3 Benefits of Robot-Assisted Lung and Spine Surgery 

Robotic-assisted surgery is a type of minimally invasive or laparoscopic surgery followed by a computer-regulated robot to guide the surgeon. With the help of a robot, Neurosurgeon Tampa Florida can perform lung and spine surgery more efficiently without any kind of risk. As compared to traditional methods of open surgery, robotic spine surgery requires smallContinue reading “3 Benefits of Robot-Assisted Lung and Spine Surgery “

Top reasons of visiting the total spine and brain institute for spine or brain surgery

Neurosurgeons deal with conditions that affect the brain, spine and nervous system such as tumours, infection or trauma. They cure or relieve patient suffering and the effects of a disease, injury or deformity. If you are looking for a Neurosurgeon Tampa Florida that offers affordable cost neurosurgery treatments, then you are just in the rightContinue reading “Top reasons of visiting the total spine and brain institute for spine or brain surgery”

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